The 20 best restaurants in chicago

Demera (Uptown) 

When Tigist Reda immigrated to the United States from Ethiopia in 2007, she brought an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for cooking, opening Demera shortly after her arrival. The chef’s meticulously prepared dishes—she even toasts and grinds all of her spices—quickly established this restaurant as the city’s top destination for Ethiopian food. Order one of the messob platters, which can feed groups ranging from two to eight and offers Chicagoans the opportunity to try eight different chef’s selections, such as kik alicha, a dish of split yellow peas stewed with onions, garlic, and tumeric, or ye-beg wot, where bone-in lamb is braised in a spicy berbere chile sauce. For those looking to temper the heat in some dishes, ask about the tej, a house-made honey wine that provides enough sweetness to balance the spice.

Dining at the restaurant: The restaurant is open for indoor and patio dining.

Takeout: Pick-up and delivery are available through the restaurant’s website.

Read the full article here.


The 26 Best Restaurants in Chicago